Photography by Jayme A. Kelter

More than anything else this project was about moving beyond what is typical for myself. This project is the product of my attempt to fight the urge to provide every piece information and let every detail be seen. In the final project I almost included some images with another layer of unobstructed information, but I felt such images would have opposed my purpose for working through this project. I am no longer hoping for the design of the object itself to be the reason for the photograph. Instead I am allowing for the style of representation and lack of information to be the draw.

Recently, I have come to understand that viewers are looking for images that have the potential to be more than what they are. If a viewer is able to have a say in the meaning or thinking behind the piece there is a higher chance of enjoyment coming from the image. These ten images hopefully have been constructed in such a way that they are able to be interpreted through a multitude of different rationalities.

© Jayme A. Kelter 2011